Sunday, January 31, 2010


In the blog I will be focusing on Neutrogena. I will try to apply the information I learn from the textbook and in class discussions to develop crisis communication stragties for Neutrogena. For example, Prof. Laskin explained that a crisis can be caused by an outside or inside error.(deliberate or not) Neutrogena, can potentionally face a crisis from such inside causes such as employees and management. Also, the company can have a crisis due to financial problems internally and maybe even external of the company. In addition, outide causes can also cause a crisis for Neutrogena such as if a consumer or consumers have a problem with a product. For example, if a new product causes irritation or a skin problem to many people it could turn into a crisis for the company. Also, if our country experiences a nation disaster this could in turn hurt the company and maybe cause it a fanancial crisis. It is hard to prepare for a crisis, because you never no what kind of crisis can occur, but hopfully in this class we will learn how to put together some material to prepare for a crisis.

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