Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ch. 3 in relation to Neutrogena

When reading chapter three I thought it was interesting to read about the laws and regulations that affect business operations. Since Neutrogena produces skin care products I am sure they need to follow many rules and regulations to make sure there products are safe. Also, I am sure they need to make sure that they provide a safe and healthy environment for employees. Our book talks about the Occupational Safety and Health Act that was put into act in 1970 this act requires employees to provide a hazard free working environment. I think this act is a great act because it address the unsafe workplaces and makes sure they meet certain standards. Additionally, chapter three goes heavily into talking about crises and industry life cycles. Specifically, I think Neutrogena although following the normal product lifestyle continues to grow. Neutrogena as a company has not really ever declines because the company has constantly produced new products and product lines introducing not only female products but products for men and teens as well. As the book states "competitors within an industry change constantly", but I think that although Neutrogena has many competitors in the skin product industry they have very valuable products that people rely on. Also, their products are moderately priced and they work like they say they do so people continue to use them.


In the blog I will be focusing on Neutrogena. I will try to apply the information I learn from the textbook and in class discussions to develop crisis communication stragties for Neutrogena. For example, Prof. Laskin explained that a crisis can be caused by an outside or inside error.(deliberate or not) Neutrogena, can potentionally face a crisis from such inside causes such as employees and management. Also, the company can have a crisis due to financial problems internally and maybe even external of the company. In addition, outide causes can also cause a crisis for Neutrogena such as if a consumer or consumers have a problem with a product. For example, if a new product causes irritation or a skin problem to many people it could turn into a crisis for the company. Also, if our country experiences a nation disaster this could in turn hurt the company and maybe cause it a fanancial crisis. It is hard to prepare for a crisis, because you never no what kind of crisis can occur, but hopfully in this class we will learn how to put together some material to prepare for a crisis.

Friday, January 22, 2010


This is a student blog for a Crisis Communications class at Quinnipiac University. Everything on this blog is written solely for class purposes and does not reflect the views of my professor, other classmates, or university. This blog is for a senior seminar class for public relations majors and is used as a component to a final project. Although the blog will discuss a company of my choice, the blog in no way should represent the company. This blog has nothing to do with the company and the information on the blog should not be viewed by others as an informational resource.